A historical player in luxury craftsmanship

Status : in the portfolio
Investment date : 2023
Transaction type : OBO
Turnover 2022 : €11m
Head office : Paris

Founded in 1971, Imprimerie du Marais is specialized in the creation of objects dedicated to communication and events for major luxury brands and communication agencies in France and abroad.

The group is based in the heart of Paris (at the Cité Griset XIth district) with a commercial office in London. It recently opened a commercial office in New-York City and Genève.

« Seduced by our passion, Arlane's teams convinced us by their patient and caring approach of our issues. Recognizing the relevance of our actions, we saw in the involvement of their teams the ideal support for our projects. As shareholders, they will support us on a daily basis and in the major decisions that will make the company grow. They are now part of our adventure. »


Jacky Przedborski, CEO of Imprimerie du Marais

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